
All the Features You Need in a Plan That Fits Your Team and Budget

Suggested Plan


Up to 4 users




Monthly payments ($2,388 per year) You can save $240 by switching to annual payments.

Annual payments ($2,149 per year) You saved $240 by selecting annual payments.

Start Free Trial
All features included
Suggested Plan


Up to 10 users




Monthly payments ($4,788 per year) You can save $480 by switching to annual payments.

Annual payments ($4,309 per year) You saved $480 by selecting annual payments.

Start Free Trial
All features included
Suggested Plan


Up to 20 users




Monthly payments ($8,388 per year) You can save $840 by switching to annual payments.

Annual payments ($7,549 per year) You saved $840 by selecting annual payments.

Start Free Trial
All features included
Suggested Plan


Unlimited users




Monthly payments ($11,988 per year) You can save $1,200 by switching to annual payments.

Annual payments ($10,789 per year) You saved $1,200 by selecting annual payments.

Start Free Trial
All features included
User access4 users10 users20 usersUnlimited users
All available features
Live implementation specialistUp to 3 hoursUp to 5 hoursUp to 7 hoursUnlimited
Online Implementation and Training Hub
Live webinar team trainingUp to 1 sessionUp to 2 sessionsUp to 3 sessionsUnlimited
Standard form templatesUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
Custom form templates$200 per hour$200 per hour$200 per hour$200 per hour
Integration with QuickBooks® Online
Integration with Google Maps™
Integration with Google Calendar™
Ongoing email customer support
Unlimited access to Help Center

Free Implementation

You will be setting up your users, company information, automatic emails, terms and conditions, bid specifics, products, pricing, and more. Don't worry. You can set up the software to be as simple or robust as you would like, and we have made it easy with guided training modules inside the software, videos, and directions to walk you through each step of the process. If you have any questions, you can check out our Help Center or contact us for support.

Optional Services

Data Import (Optional)


If you're coming from another system or have previous customer information such as customer details, appointments, and notes stored electronically, we can push that data into Contractor Accelerator for you. Simply request an export from your current provider and send it to us. That's it! We do all the configuration to ensure the information ends up in the right place within the Contractor Accelerator. Contact us for more details.

Consultant (Optional)


Our Implementation Consultants take a deep dive into your business to understand and analyze your day-to-day operations. They will offer suggestions and a plan for using the system to create additional efficiencies for your team. You provide sample bids, terms and conditions, and product pricing; we ensure everything is in the right place and that you get the most from the software. First, complete your software registration, then contact us to get connected to an Implementation Consultant today.