Clean Up Project Status Pipeline

How the pipeline works

The pipeline is automated. Every time you make a change in the system, it automatically pushes the project into the matching stage. When you schedule an evaluation appointment, the system will automatically move the project into the "Sales Appointment Scheduled" stage. Each project will stay in its matching stage until action is taken to move it into the next stage.

Moving a project through the pipeline

We have included a short sentence under each stage heading to remind you what the next step in the process should be. Even better, Simply clicking on a project within the pipeline will automatically take you to the correct page where the next action needs to take place. Once the action is taken, the system will automatically move the project to the next stage.

Inactive vs. Active Projects

Often old evaluations that did not turn into a job can clog up the pipeline, this can make it hard to differentiate a real potential job vs. something that is no longer a viable opportunity. You will need to determine your team's best practices regarding when it is appropriate to remove items from your pipeline. This can be after a certain number of days/months or after a certain number of attempts to contact the property owner. Whatever you decide, set a company standard and hold your teams to it. Move inactive projects from the pipeline by either canceling them or completing them.

Complete or Cancel Projects

Project owners and managers can complete or cancel a project on the Project Overview page. Either of these actions moves the project out of the pipeline and can be undone later if needed. Canceling a project will remove the project from your metrics.

"Cancel Project" should be used in the following situations:

  • You went to the evaluation, but no work was needed.
  • You went to the evaluation, and your company is unable to do the job.
  • The customer has been non-responsive to schedule an evaluation.
  • Canceling the project will remove it from your metrics.

"Project Complete" should be used in the following situations:

  • You have finished the job.
  • You have sent out a bid but did not win the job.
  • You have sent out a bid, and the customer has been non-responsive or puts the project on hold for a significant amount of time.
  • Completing a project will keep the project in your metrics.
  • Your customer can still accept completed projects through the normal process. If this happens, you can "undo project complete" or create a new bid with updated services, pricing, or contract language.