Get the Most From Your Automated Emails

In today's competitive business landscape, effective email outreach is crucial. Contractor Accelerator has recently updated the template emails and added some new features to help you maximize the impact of your emails.
Subject Lines
The subject line is the first thing recipients see in their inbox, making it the gateway to your email's content. Customizing subject lines can significantly improve open rates and engagement. Personalize the subject line with the customer's address, your company name or your value proposition. Learn more about how to customize your subject lines in our Help Center.
Personal Details
Adding a personal touch to your emails by including information about the salesperson and having the email sent from their account can enhance credibility and improve response rates. Contractor Accelerator allows you to insert the salesperson's name, photograph, and even a written bio or linked video introduction. You can also have the email sent from the salesperson's account. Visit the Help Center to learn how to utilize these options.
New Follow-Up Emails
Following up is a powerful technique for increasing engagement and conversions. With Contractor Accelerator's new follow-up email feature, you can automate this process effectively. Leverage it by determining the optimal timing for your follow-up emails based on your industry and previous response patterns, tailoring each follow-up email to provide value, address concerns, and create urgency. Limit follow-ups to a reasonable number to avoid becoming a nuisance. Discover more about this new feature in our Help Center.
Sample Content
Every company has its own voice when it comes to customer communication. You might check out some articles outlining different methods to find your company’s specific voice, but here at Contractor Accelerator, we like to keep things simple. We have provided some templates to get you started. Just click the links below and cut and paste the content into your Company Profile. You can either keep these as is, make edits, or create your own.