Tips and Tricks

Best Practices and Helpful Hints for Features You Use Every Day

Configure Installment Payments - Tips

Editing Payment Details

If you have been using the system, most of the bids you quote start out with the same payment terms preset in the software. But what if that needs to be changed for a particular bid? Here’s a quick rundown of how you can change your payment terms for an individual bid.

Categories: Billing
Marketing returns conversions

Getting the Most From the Question “How Did You Hear About Us?”

How do you know if your marketing dollars are being put to good use? Learn how to organize the Marketing section within Contractor Accelerator to help you make better marketing decisions based on real data.

Categories: Marketing, Reporting
Photos job files

Installation Users

Your office staff, salespeople, and management all have access to the system, but what about those doing the work? Yes, your installation teams can use the software too! Here are a few benefits of giving your Crew Leaders access to the system at the installation user level.

Preview Drawing Tool Tips

Contractor Drawing Tricks

At this point, you've probably had the chance to click around in the drawing tool. Here are some tips you may not already know!

Categories: Drawing
Preview Pipeline Tips

Clean Up Project Status Pipeline

Are you noticing a LOT of projects building up in some of the stages of your pipeline? Here are a few tips to help you clear out inactive projects and ensure your active projects keep moving forward.