Residential Contractor News

Oct 9, 2023

From Leads to Customers: Simplify Your Customer Lifecycle

Contractor Accelerator is launching a new "Lead Management" function within the CRM portion of the software this week to help you efficiently track and nurture leads all in one place, simplifying the journey from lead to loyal customer. This addition centralizes the customer lifecycle from lead to customer within one system of record, simplifying your workflow, improving communication, and allowing for more accurate financial forecasting and marketing analysis. Click to learn more about this new feature!

May 31, 2023

Mastering Follow-Up Emails: 5 Essential Elements for Success

You spend a lot of time and effort visiting a home, taking measurements, discussing options, and crafting a proposal for your customer. On average, only 2% of sales are made during that first point of contact. That means if you don’t follow up, even with a simple follow-up email, you’re missing out on potentially 98% of your sales. Don't let the sale slip away! Learn how to create great follow-up emails that will win you more bids.

Dec 10, 2021

The 4 Top Economic Issues to Affect Contractors in 2022

Does the change in the calendar year have any effect on the current economy? As we transition into the next year, will we still have to contend with the same inflation, labor shortages, supply chain breakdowns, and other issues that arose during the pandemic? Learn what to expect in the coming year from Co-Founder and economic analyst at Armada Corporate Intelligence, Dr. Chris Kuehl, PhD.

Oct 1, 2021

Top 5 Reasons Customer Reviews are Important

Customer reviews can give contractors like you a sales lift of 18%! You have probably hired Contractors for major projects for your own house. You are likely part of the 89% who read online reviews before making a purchase. As a business owner, did you know that 16% of your ranking factor in the Local SEO map section of a search relates to your customer reviews? Learn how customer reviews can turn into free high-quality leads in this guest blog post from our expert marketing friends at Rainmaker for Contractors.

Nov 13, 2020

The 6 Most Important Customer Expectations You Might Be Missing

Long gone are the days when a promise to do good work was all it took to earn a customer's trust. Today, customers expect a great price, details of how you will do the job, proof of previous success, and much more. We've outlined the six most important things you can do to ensure you meet your customer's expectations and win more jobs.

May 15, 2020

The 5 Best Ways to Build Customer Trust and Connection in a Pandemic

We know customers make buying decisions based on emotion and human interaction. The need for social distance, face masks, and the shunning of the good ol' fashioned handshake has caused many businesses to reinvent what it means to connect with their customers. Here are a few ways you can earn customer trust during this unique time.