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The Power of Tracking Hyperlinks

Do you use hyperlinks in your customer emails, estimates or closing communications to ask for a review? Discover why tracking these hyperlinks is essential for residential repair contractors in the digital age. Explore user-friendly link creation companies like Bitly, Rebrandly, TinyURL, and ClickMeter, and start leveraging the power of smart links to ensure your estimates, emails, and online marketing efforts are producing results.

Categories: Marketing, Reports
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Mastering Follow-Up Emails: 5 Essential Elements for Success

You spend a lot of time and effort visiting a home, taking measurements, discussing options, and crafting a proposal for your customer. On average, only 2% of sales are made during that first point of contact. That means if you don’t follow up, even with a simple follow-up email, you’re missing out on potentially 98% of your sales. Don't let the sale slip away! Learn how to create great follow-up emails that will win you more bids.

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Marketing in a Down Economy

Guest Blog: written by David Becklean | Owner of Music City Digital Media

The housing market has seriously slowed down, and with fewer houses trading hands, there are less opportunities than there typically would be. As long as this trend continues, you can expect to see an increase in cost per acquisition and a decrease in the amount of overall available leads within a given Market. Learn how to market in a down economy from Music City Digital Media Owner and Marketing expert David Becklean.

Categories: News, Marketing
Economy and COVID

The 4 Top Economic Issues to Affect Contractors in 2022

Guest Blog: written by Dr. Chris Kuehl, PhD | Economist, Managing Director & Co-Founder Armada Corporate Intelligence | Chief Economist for the National Association for Credit Management

Does the change in the calendar year have any effect on the current economy? As we transition into the next year, will we still have to contend with the same inflation, labor shortages, supply chain breakdowns, and other issues that arose during the pandemic? Learn what to expect in the coming year from Co-Founder and economic analyst at Armada Corporate Intelligence, Dr. Chris Kuehl, PhD.

Categories: Customers, Marketing
Marketing roi overview

How Small Businesses Can Calculate Marketing Return on Investment

In a recent poll, 75% of surveyed marketers say they struggle with figuring the revenue returns on their marketing investments (ROI or ROMI). It can be difficult to determine how to track and calculate the data or even what data is important to know.

Categories: Marketing, Reports