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Marketing in a Down Economy
Guest Blog: written by David Becklean | Owner of Music City Digital Media
The housing market has seriously slowed down, and with fewer houses trading hands, there are less opportunities than there typically would be. As long as this trend continues, you can expect to see an increase in cost per acquisition and a decrease in the amount of overall available leads within a given Market. Learn how to market in a down economy from Music City Digital Media Owner and Marketing expert David Becklean.
The 4 Top Economic Issues to Affect Contractors in 2022
Guest Blog: written by Dr. Chris Kuehl, PhD | Economist, Managing Director & Co-Founder Armada Corporate Intelligence | Chief Economist for the National Association for Credit Management
Does the change in the calendar year have any effect on the current economy? As we transition into the next year, will we still have to contend with the same inflation, labor shortages, supply chain breakdowns, and other issues that arose during the pandemic? Learn what to expect in the coming year from Co-Founder and economic analyst at Armada Corporate Intelligence, Dr. Chris Kuehl, PhD.
How Small Businesses Can Calculate Marketing Return on Investment
In a recent poll, 75% of surveyed marketers say they struggle with figuring the revenue returns on their marketing investments (ROI or ROMI). It can be difficult to determine how to track and calculate the data or even what data is important to know.
Top 5 Reasons Customer Reviews are Important
Guest Blog: written by Bill Crawford, Owner and Chief Executive at Rainmaker For Contractors
Customer reviews can give contractors like you a sales lift of 18%! You have probably hired Contractors for major projects for your own house. You are likely part of the 89% who read online reviews before making a purchase. As a business owner, did you know that 16% of your ranking factor in the Local SEO map section of a search relates to your customer reviews? Learn how customer reviews can turn into free high-quality leads in this guest blog post from our expert marketing friends at Rainmaker for Contractors.